Because I have osteoporosis, I was inspired to create works of art to reflect the condition. As I worked over several seasons, the pieces evolved resulting in what I call, “ossified bones.”
My project began in the summer, which is the time of year when my garage becomes a hand-made paper studio. I started by covering plastic bones with sheets of Abaca paper, which shrinks to fit the bones as it dries. I covered smaller bones the first summer and moved on to cover larger bones the following summer. As I worked, I thought the larger bones looked too real and not enough like art, so I melted wax (encaustic) and covered them, giving them a different patina.
Then last winter, I began putting the bones together to create works of art. The first pieces were attached to linen in a round wooden embroidery hoop and my work continued to evolve.
Finding an old wooden planter in my yard, I took it apart, sanded it and used the wood as a background to attach the bones with string. As I was tying string, I began to use different types of knots, which evolved into braiding the string as I wrapped it around the bones and wood.
With my “Ossified” project finally complete, I recently exhibited it at St. Mary’s Art Center (SMAC) in Virginia City, Nevada. SMAC is an old hospital building that’s four stories tall and was built in the late 1800’s during the silver mining era. At the time, it was considered a state of the art hospital building.
At SMAC, my “Ossified” exhibit was displayed in an intimate space with one window overlooking the old cemetery where workers from the silver mining period are buried. The miners were treated at the hospital, which is now the art center. I was pleased to see my exhibit come together to join history, art and health.
Photos and descriptions of my work are included here. I hope you enjoy it.
By: Carol Brown, Artist
All work is original and Carol Brown owns the copyrights.

Red Bones
Mixed Media Drawing

“What you are, we were; What we are, you shall be”
Wood, Linen, Plastic, Hand Made Paper, String, Thread

Bones of No Color
Wood, Plastic, Hand Made Paper, Encaustic, String, Black Suede, Glue

Three Saints
Wood, Plastic, Hand Made Encaustic, String

Celestial Ladder
Wood, Plastic, Hand Made Paper, Encaustic, String