The chart below will help you estimate the amount of calcium you get from food on a typical day. You’ll also see how much more calcium you need to get each day from other food sources or supplements.

Calcium Calculator

How to Estimate Your Daily Calcium Intake

Step 1: Estimate the number of servings you have on a typical day for each type of food. One serving is equal to approximately:

  • 8 oz. or one cup of milk
  • 6 oz. of yogurt
  • 1 oz. or 1 cubic inch of cheese

The amount of calcium in fortified foods and juices ranges from 80 – 1,000 mg. Some examples are juices, soymilk and cereals.

Step 2: List the estimated number of servings of each food item under ā€œServings Per Day.ā€

Step 3: Multiply the number of ā€œServings Per Dayā€ by the number of milligrams (mg) under ā€œCalcium.ā€ For example: if you have about two servings of milk per day, multiply 2 x 300 to get a total of 600 mg of calcium from milk.

Step 4: After you have calculated the total amount of calcium for each product, add these totals in the right hand column to get your Total Daily Calcium Intake. Note: 250 mg of calcium is automatically added under ā€œEstimated total from other foods.ā€ Most of us get about this amount of calcium each day from other foods like broccoli.

Step 5: Subtract your final total daily calcium intake from the recommended amount of calcium you need each day. This number is the additional calcium you need each day. You can get this additional calcium by adding calcium-rich foods to your diet and/or by taking a calcium supplement.

To learn how much total daily calcium is recommended for you, visit Calcium and Vitamin D: What You Need to Know.

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