Honor your friends, family or yourself by purchasing a virtual “brick” in NOF’s Pave the Way to a Cure Campaign! Donations to this campaign can be made in memory of or in honor of someone or as a personal or family donation. The funds raised help support NOF operational expenses allowing us to sustain and expand our programs of education, research and advocacy. Your participation in the Pave the Way to a Cure Campaign will be a constant reminder of the impact of osteoporosis and the importance of bone health. Your support is greatly appreciated!
Donate to Pave the Way to a CureDonors (in alphabetical order)
A-B | C-E | F-H | I-L | M-O | P-R | S | T-Z
Gloria Ignudo Corrozi
Isabella Imire
Your spirit lives on in us
In Memory of 1-17-98
Bernard Isralow
In Memory of 7/30/17-1/30/00
Betty Jackson
Rosalyn M Jacobson
Our Mother
Dr. Michael H Jaffin
Julia A Janko
Linda S Janoscrat
Freda Marie Jarrett
L Eugene Jennings
Esther Barbara Jensen
In Memory of
Bertha L Johnson
Pamela M Johnson
In Memory of
B Ivy Johnson
Lucy Johnston
C Conrad Johnston Jr MD
NOF President
In Loving Honor
Margery Jones Haas
Judy M Judd
Gladys Justin Carr
Dorothy M Kahler
Mary W Kane
Memorial for
Evelyn Keevan
Elizabeth Ann Kelly
Juliet Liggan with Love
Zelda Kennedy
Beatrice Evelyn Kenney
Elisabeth Kenney Ecke
In Memory of
C Elizabeth Ketjen Simonsz
Mrs. Ruth Kieffaber Brubaker
Dr. Douglas P Kiel
Ms. Jean Kilpatrick
Jane Lois Kirkwood
Fran & Sam Kirshen
Best Grandparents
Paul D Kister
Toby & Harvey Klein
NY 1999
Harmony Klein
Francesca Kleinsmith
Ms. Doris M Knopf
Loretta Mae Kohler Naylor
Helen Kohn
In Loving Memory of
Sally Kollner
Bill & Mari Koser
In Memory of / with Love
Ann B Krein
Mr. & Mrs. Bud Krones
Esther L Krusell
Eugenia Krutz Lamar
Angeline Rose Kuflewski
John & Helen Lacouture
Kay T Ladd
ln Memory 1914-1998
Donna “Landis RN CDT-ODMC”
Laurel, MD
Laurel Endocrine Association
Michele Leber
Robert E Lee
Mabel Virginia Lee
In Honor of
Susan Lefkowitz
Dr. Edward Leib
Richard M Lent
Christine N Leonard
In Memory of
Mary Leota Simon
Let Us Pray For A Cure
Lucile Leven Weinress
Charlotte M Levin
Edith & Henry Levy
Elise Levy Margolius
Betty Bernice Lewis
Mary Ellen Lighthall
My Wonderful Mother
Ollive Lignana
Clara M Linabury
Elaine Lind
Robert Lindsay MD
NOF Past President
Diane & Scott Livingston
LODI Physical Therapy
Rose Ann Lonardo
Dr. Edrick Lopez Enriquez
Love to Jane
Love Exercise, Love Calcium
Annabelle Lundy Fetterman
Walter Coles Lusk
In Memory of
Peggy Lynch