The educational resources below are BHOF’s most up-to-date publications and videos geared towards patients, caregivers and the general public.

These materials provide general information about osteoporosis and low bone density. They are not intended to replace the services of trained and qualified health professionals or to be a substitute for medical advice of physicians. For more information, see our complete Medical Disclaimer.

General Resources

Boning Up on Osteoporosis

This updated edition of Boning Up on Osteoporosis contains information about prevention, risk factors, diagnosis and treatment of osteoporosis. It also includes important information about living with osteoporosis, safe movement and exercise for daily living.

Click here for updates to pages 36 and 37 (May 2024).

Healthy Bones for Life Patient Guide

The Healthy Bones for Life Patient Guide is meant to serve as a training guide. It will help you understand what osteoporosis is doing to your body, understand treatments, build your confidence in treating this disease and identify sources of support throughout the course of treatment.

Osteoporosis: Know Your Bones: An Overview for Patients

Osteoporosis: Know Your Bones: An Overview for Patients provides a basic overview of osteoporosis, what happens at the cellular level (general prevention), and treatment strategies including diet/nutrition, medication options and exercise.

BHOF Quick Guide

The BHOF Quick Guide provides some key facts about osteoporosis, simple steps you can take to protect your bones, and a list of support resources to help you connect with fellow osteoporosis patients or get involved in helping those suffering from the disease.

Protecting Your Bones and Improving Bone Health

The Protecting Your Bones and Improving Bone Health flyer provides an overview of what osteoporosis is, what you can do to protect your bones, treatment, and medication.

Osteoporosis: What You Can Do to Protect Your Bones

The Osteoporosis: What You Can Do to Protect Your Bones brochure provides an overview of what osteoporosis is, treatment and medication, nutrition, and exercise.

What to Do if You Break a Bone

The What to Do if You Break a Bone flyer provides tips on recovery, strengthening, and preventing another broken bone.

Understanding Osteoporosis Medications: Biologics & Biosimilars

There are different types of medications available. The Understanding Osteoporosis Medications: Biologics & Biosimilars infographic, developed with support from Sandoz, explains the differences between biologics, biosimilars, and generics. There is no best medication for everyone. The one that works for you depends on many factors. Your health history and preferences are considerations. Discuss it with your health care provider.

Preparing for Your Visit With Your Doctor and Healthcare Team

The Preparing for Your Visit With Your Doctor and Healthcare Team booklet offers information to help you prepare for your visit and contains the following four sections: Preparing for Your Appointment, Finding a Specialist and Getting a Second Opinion, Questions to Ask Your Healthcare Provider, and What to Expect if You Are Diagnosed With Low Bone Density or Osteoporosis.

Bone Basics

The Bone Basics series provides concise information about a variety of topics related to osteoporosis and bone loss. Topics include:

This video series is from our Bone Basics Course for patients and providers at the 2019 Interdisciplinary Symposium on Osteoporosis. These presentations cover a variety of topics, including basics about osteoporosis, prevalence of the disease, risk factors, bone density testing, nutrition, advocating as a patient and more.

Bone Health and HIV

As people with HIV live longer than they have in previous decades, their fracture risk increases, as it does for all people. The Bone Health & Osteoporosis Foundation offers several educational programs to help you, whether you are living with HIV or helping clients or patients living with HIV. Click here to learn more.

Nutrition and Exercise Resources

Your Guide to a Bone Healthy Diet

This booklet will help you learn about the role food plays in your bone health. Your Guide to a Bone Healthy Diet includes the daily calcium and vitamin D intake recommended for men and women and shows you how to estimate your dietary calcium intake and determine how much you need to supplement to make up any shortfall.

Nutrition and Bone Health Fact Sheet

The Nutrition and Bone Health Fact Sheet, developed in partnership with Sunsweet, highlights how vitamins and minerals work together to improve overall bone health, and offers simple tips for adding these vitamins and minerals into your diet.

Yoga and Pilates

If you have osteoporosis and would like to do yoga and pilates, this yoga flyer and this pilates flyer can help make sure you know which exercises are recommended and which should be avoided.

Safe Movement

Our Safe Movement Brochure has information on preventing fragility fractures. It contains helpful information on anti-fracture medicine, safe movement recommendations, and fall prevention. The book is in both English and Spanish.

Safe Movement and Exercise Videos

For people with osteoporosis or an increased risk for fracture, preventing falls is a top concern.  But, it is also important to avoid unintentional injuries, especially those of the spine, which may occur with everyday activities.  The following video series shows how simple changes can be made to help keep you healthy and active.

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