Healthy Bones, Build Them for LifeĀ® Webinar Series

If youā€™ve missed any of our Healthy Bones, Build Them for LifeĀ® Webinars, follow the links below to watch the archived versions. Through this series of free, educational Webinars, NOF aims to bring you direct access to the nationā€™s leading bone health experts. Ā After youā€™ve watched the recordings, please take a few minutes to complete… Read more »

Proper Body Alignment

Knowing how to move, sit and stand properly can help you stay active and prevent broken bones and disability. Proper posture can also help to limit the amount of kyphosis, or forward curve of the upper back, that can result from broken bones in the spine. One of the most important things about body mechanics… Read more »

Recovering from Fractures

Even with your best efforts to protect your bones, itā€™s still possible to break a bone. People most often break a bone in the spine, hip or wrist. But people also break bones in other parts of the body, including the ribs, upper arms, pelvis, collarbones, ankles and feet. Regardless of the bone affected, recovery… Read more »

Preventing Falls

Each year about one-third of all people over age 65 will fall. Many of these falls result in broken bones. Some common causes of falls include outdoor and indoor hazards. Certain lifestyle behaviors can also increase your chances of falling. Outdoor Safety Tips Try the following tips to help prevent falls when you are outside:… Read more »

Testing Your Balance

If you want to test how your eyes and ears affect balance, start by standing next to a countertop or table. Place your hand on top of the counter or table if you are unsteady. Stand still and challenge your balance by bringing your feet close together or standing on one foot. Now close your… Read more »

Protecting Your Spine

It is important to protect the spine by moving properly during exercise and daily activities. Activities that place stress on the spine can increase the likelihood of breaking a bone. For example, people with bone loss in the spine should not: bend forward from the waist twist and bend at the torso (trunk) to an… Read more »

BHOF Events

Included below is a list of events happening across the country that may be of interest to osteoporosis patients, their family, caregivers, healthcare providers and/or the general public. Upcoming Events Past Events & Recordings How To Exercise Safely With Bone Loss This 1-hour webinar includes NOF online community volunteer moderator, Susie Hathaway speaking about exercising… Read more »