Honor your friends, family or yourself by purchasing a virtual “brick” in NOF’s Pave the Way to a Cure Campaign! Donations to this campaign can be made in memory of or in honor of someone or as a personal or family donation. The funds raised help support NOF operational expenses allowing us to sustain and expand our programs of education, research and advocacy. Your participation in the Pave the Way to a Cure Campaign will be a constant reminder of the impact of osteoporosis and the importance of bone health. Your support is greatly appreciated!
Donate to Pave the Way to a CureDonors (in alphabetical order)
A-B | C-E | F-H | I-L | M-O | P-R | S | T-Z
Lorene Falkner
1915-1999 Tyler, TX
Regina M Fanning
Helen Fanta
Harry G Farrell
Mr & Mrs Louis J Fazio
Phyllis Feder
Sylvia & Robert Feltman
Lewis Morris Fetterman
Harriett Figen Rutchick
Gordon O Finley
Sacramento, CA
Joe C & Maria Finnegan
Dr and Mrs L M Fishman
Miami, FL
John C & Dorothy D Fitterer
Arthur C Fleischer MD
Joseph Flood and Jeanne Likins
In Loving Memory
Helen S Foote
Catherine Fordney Ellis
Semper Fi
Wallace E Fore
In Memory of / Tacoma, WA
Alvina M Fox
Mrs. Roman Franczak
Nancy Fraser Carrie
Marjorie Freedman
Peggy Freeman
To Honor – Joe Freeman
Lucile Ann Friedli
Dallis Fritz
Lois E Fritz
Stanley Iwao Fujiyama
Kay Galvin
Raliegh, NC
Sharon Lee Gamache
Catherine Geonetta Carpenter
Mr. William George
Schnecksville, PA
Elizabeth Gerber Preston
Evelyn Virginia Gibson
Nancy Gidwitz
Annette E Gilbert
In Memorian
George and Elaine Giles
Cathy Gilles
Michael Giles
Jean C Gilman
Jane Ellen Glover
Joel Walker Goldsby
Ralph S Goldsmith
Barbara F Goodman
Marvin Gordon
In Memory of
Gladys B Gorin
Mrs. Marie Goudiss
Ruth M Graumann
Will & Anna Greenberg
Molly Greenberg
Edith Marie Gregory
Sharon Libby Grier
In Memory of
Bea Groginsky
Joan H Hacker
L Haddock MD
Prof. Emeritus – UPR SCH Medicine
Ms. Jean Hall Rebele’
Michael Stephen Hamden
In Memory of
Catherine H Hamilton
Dorothy M Hart
Eliza Hart
Jane Hartman RD
Dr & Mrs Aizid Hashmat
Donald & Alma Hazzard
Zane Henderson
Jimmie Mae Heng
Dr Manfred Henne
Vendla Henthorne
In Memory of / Alamogordo, NM
Helen Herbert
Wini Hickey
Spokane, WA
Connie Hicks
Loving Mother – Heidi Bobypauli
Littie M Hicks
J Hieshetter
E Greenberg
Jan Hilder
Robert G Hill
Mr. and Mrs. Richard F Hohlt
Paula M Holbrook
Stan & Shirley Holgate
Charlotte Holm
Helen Holzer
Luella A Hopkins
Dr. & Mrs. Melvin Horwith
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Hoyle
Dorothy P Hull
Humanity in Love
Mr Robert W Hurst
J Sames – H Ward
Identical Twins